Shoot for the moon!

“A shot aimed is a shot lost. Aim with your eyes shut.”

This goes beyond anything any professional sports person will tell you – you've always got to keep your eye on the ball/goal/prize. Work hard, achieve, put the effort in and you will get the rewards, and you will deserve them. But how much sweeter is life when you risk it all and the risk pays off? If you live within the boundaries and follow the guidelines all the time, will you have missed some of the magic? How about all those times when the outside chance comes in? Sometimes life calls for a little bit of blind faith.

I am not condoning giving up trying at all but maybe once in a while we should all close our eyes and see where life takes us.


A belligerent samurai…

A belligerent samurai once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of Heaven and Hell.  But the monk replied with scorn, “You’re nothing but a lout – I can’t waste my time with the likes of you!”

His very honour attacked, the samurai flew into a rage and, pulling his sword from his scabbard, yelled, “I could kill you for your impertinence.”

“That is Hell,” the monk calmly replied.

Startled at seeing the truth in what the master pointed out about the fury that had him in its grip, the samurai calmed down sheathed his sword, and bowed, thanking the monk for his insight.

“And that,” said the monk, “is Heaven.”

Anon, Japanese

How I wish we could all learn our lessons so easily!  I tend to fester in my rage rather than it being over and done with so quickly.  There’s a lot I could learn here….hmmm

…following on from this, I have just found another anger-related thought written in my note book, which seems appropriate right about now.  Benjamin Franklin said, “Anger is never without a reason, but seldom a good one.”  How true.